Field Technician Needed Immediately - PT. Housekeeping Securindo Pratama


Field Technician Needed Immediately - PT. Housekeeping Securindo Pratama

Advertising Jobs By:
Name / Company: PT. Securindo Graha Pratama
Lockers category: Electrical
Location: Jakarta Pusat
Job Level: Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)
Terms Education: SMA / SMK / STM
Salary: Negotiable
Job Type: Permanent
Broadcast date: October 8, 2013

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PT. Securindo Graha Pratama, was established as a company providing products Visual Security Solutions & IT Solution in Indonesia.We invite qualified and dedicated person to fill the position as a Field Technician

Job Responsibilities: - Complete work on time

Experience Requirements: Minimum 2 years

Expertise: - No fear of heights
- Understand the weak and strong currents

Qualifications: - Male

- Age max.30thn

- Education min. STM

- Having 2 yrs Experience

- Not afraid of heights

- Understand the weak and strong currents

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